Navigating Your Home Buying Journey: Unveil What Lies Behind the Scenes!

Amy Mosley
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Navigating Your Home Buying Journey: Unveil What Lies Behind the Scenes!

Embarking on the journey to purchase a home is both exciting and daunting. While you're browsing listings and dreaming of your new space, there's a world of effort from realtors behind the scenes. Let's explore the home buying process from your perspective, highlighting how understanding your realtor's role can enhance your experience.

Understanding the Realtor's Role:

While you're focused on finding your perfect home, your realtor is juggling numerous tasks to make that happen. From arranging viewings to negotiating deals, their expertise is your greatest asset in navigating the market's complexities. 

  • Broker Splits and Fees
  • Office rent and utilities
  • MLS Fees
  • NAR Fees
  • Local Association Fees
  • E&O Business Insurance
  • Extended Auto Insurance
  • Self-Employment Tax
  • State Licensing Fees
  • Advertising Fees
  • Showing Service Fees
  • Website Fees
  • Assistant's Salaries
  • Showing partners
  • Transaction coordinator
  • Yard Signs
  • Photographers
  • Videographers
  • Office Supplies
  • Business Cards
  • Property Flyers
  • Electronic Lockboxes
  • Continued RE Education
  • Legal Fees
  • Gas
  • Note: Income taxes are not taken out, so they have to be set aside (around 25-30%).

The Financial Nuances:

Discover how realtors' knowledge of the financial landscape can benefit you, from understanding mortgage options to navigating closing costs. This insight can save you time and money, making your home buying experience smoother.

The Emotional Rollercoaster:

Buying a home is an emotional journey. Your realtor is there to provide stability and clarity, guiding you through ups and downs with professional advice and empathy. Learn how their support can make a significant difference.

As a listing agent they have lots of tasks far more than just selling a home.

  1. Prepare Listing Presentation for Sellers
  2. Research Sellers Property Tax Info
  3. Research Comparable Sold Properties for Sellers
  4. Determine Average Days on Market
  5. Gather Info From Sellers About Their Home
  6. Meet With Sellers at Their Home
  7. Get To Know Their Home
  8. Present Listing Presentation
  9. Advise on Repairs and/or Upgrades
  10. Provide Home Seller To-Do Checklist
  11. Explain Current Market Conditions
  12. Discuss Seller’s Goals
  13. Share Your Value Proposition
  14. Explain Benefits of Your Brokerage
  15. Present Your Marketing Options
  16. Explain Video Marketing Strategies
  17. Demonstrate 3D Tour Marketing
  18. Explain Buyer & Seller Agency Relationships
  19. Describe the Buyer Pre-Screening Process
  20. Create Internal File for Transaction
  21. Get Listing Agreement & Disclosures Signed
  22. Provide Sellers Disclosure Form to Sellers
  23. Verify Interior Room Sizes
  24. Obtain Current Mortgage Loan Info
  25. Confirm Lot Size from County Tax Records
  26. Investigate Any Unrecorded Property Easements
  27. Establish Showing Instructions for Buyers
  28. Agree on Showing Times with Sellers
  29. Discuss Different Types of Buyer Financing
  30. Explain Appraisal Process and Pitfalls
  31. Verify Home Owners Association Fees
  32. Obtain a Copy of HOA Bylaws
  33. Gather Transferable Warranties
  34. Determine Need for Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
  35. Verify Security System Ownership
  36. Discuss Video Recording Devices & Showings
  37. Determine Property Inclusions & Exclusions
  38. Agree on Repairs to Be Made Before Listing
  39. Schedule Staging Consultation
  40. Schedule House Cleaners
  41. Install Electronic Lockbox & Yard Sign
  42. Set-Up Photo/Video Shoot
  43. Meet Photographer at Property
  44. Prepare Home For Photographer
  45. Schedule Drone & 3D Tour Shoot
  46. Get Seller’s Approval of All Marketing Materials
  47. Input Property Listing Into The MLS
  48. Create Virtual Tour Page
  49. Verify Listing Data on 3rd Party Websites
  50. Have Listing Proofread
  51. Create Property Flyer
  52. Have Extra Keys Made for Lockbox
  53. Set-Up Showing Services
  54. Help Owners Coordinate Showings
  55. Gather Feedback After Each Showing
  56. Keep track of Showing Activity
  57. Update MLS Listing as Needed
  58. Schedule Weekly Update Calls with Seller
  59. Prepare “Net Sheet” For All Offers
  60. Present All Offers to Seller
  61. Obtain Pre-Approval Letter from Buyer’s Agent
  62. Examine & Verify Buyer’s Qualifications
  63. Examine & Verify Buyer’s Lender
  64. Negotiate All Offers
  65. Once Under Contract, Send to Title Company
  66. Check Buyer’s Agent Has Received Copies
  67. Change Property Status in MLS
  68. Deliver Copies of Contract/Addendum to Seller
  69. Keep Track of Copies for Office File
  70. Coordinate Inspections with Sellers
  71. Explain Buyer’s Inspection Objections to Sellers
  72. Determine Seller’s Inspection Resolution
  73. Get All Repair Agreements in Writing
  74. Refer Trustworthy Contractors to Sellers
  75. Meet Appraiser at the Property
  76. Negotiate Any Unsatisfactory Appraisals
  77. Confirm Clear-to-Close
  78. Coordinate Closing Times & Location
  79. Verify Title Company Has All Docs
  80. Remind Sellers to Transfer Utilities
  81. Make Sure All Parties Are Notified of Closing Time
  82. Resolve Any Title Issues Before Closing
  83. Receive and Carefully Review Closing Docs
  84. Review Closing Figures With Seller
  85. Confirm Repairs Have Been Made
  86. Resolve Any Last Minute Issues
  87. Attend Seller’s Closing
  88. Pick Up Sign & Lock Box
  89. Change Status in MLS to “Sold.”
  90. Close Out Seller’s File With Brokerage

Maximizing Your Opportunities:

Realtors possess a wealth of knowledge and resources that can unlock doors to homes and deals you might not find on your own. This section will illustrate how their network and expertise can broaden your options and secure the best fit for your needs.

Building a Partnership:

The relationship with your realtor is a partnership. Understanding and supporting each other can lead to more successful outcomes. Discover how clear communication and mutual respect can enhance this dynamic.

As a buyers agent they also have many tasks.

  1. Schedule Time To Meet Buyers
  2. Prepare Buyers Guide & Presentation
  3. Meet Buyers and Discuss Their Goals
  4. Explain Buyer & Seller Agency Relationships
  5. Discuss Different Types of Financing Options
  6. Help Buyers Find a Mortgage Lender
  7. Obtain Pre-Approval Letter from Their Lender
  8. Explain What You Do For Buyers As A Realtor
  9. Provide Overview of Current Market Conditions
  10. Explain Your Company’s Value to Buyers
  11. Discuss Earnest Money Deposits
  12. Explain Home Inspection Process
  13. Educate Buyers About Local Neighborhoods
  14. Discuss Foreclosures & Short Sales
  15. Gather Needs & Wants Of Their Next Home
  16. Explain School Districts Effect on Home Values
  17. Explain Recording Devices During Showings
  18. Learn All Buyer Goals & Make A Plan
  19. Create Internal File for Buyers Records
  20. Send Buyers Homes Within Their Criteria
  21. Start Showing Buyers Home That They Request
  22. Schedule & Organize All Showings
  23. Gather Showing Instructions for Each Listing
  24. Send Showing Schedule to Buyers
  25. Show Up Early and Prepare First Showing
  26. Look For Possible Repair Issues While Showing
  27. Gather Buyer Feedback After Each Showing
  28. Update Buyers When New Homes Hit the Market
  29. Share Knowledge & Insight About Homes
  30. Guide Buyers Through Their Emotional Journey
  31. Listen & Learn From Buyers At Each Showing
  32. Keep Records of All Showings
  33. Update Listing Agents with Buyer’s Feedback
  34. Discuss Home Owner’s Associations
  35. Estimate Expected Utility Usage Costs
  36. Confirm Water Source and Status
  37. Discuss Transferable Warranties
  38. Explain Property Appraisal Process
  39. Discuss Multiple Offer Situations
  40. Create Practice Offer To Help Buyers Prepare
  41. Provide Updated Housing Market Data to Buyers
  42. Inform Buyers of Their Showing Activity Weekly
  43. Update Buyers On Any Price Drops
  44. Discuss MLS Data With Buyers At Showings
  45. Find the Right Home for Buyers
  46. Determine Property Inclusions & Exclusions
  47. Prepare Sales Contract When Buyers are Ready
  48. Educate Buyer’s On Sales Contract Options
  49. Determine Need for Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
  50. Explain Home Warranty Options
  51. Update Buyer’s Pre-Approval Letter
  52. Discuss Loan Objection Deadlines
  53. Choose a Closing Date
  54. Verify Listing Data Is Correct
  55. Review Comps With Buyers To Determine Value
  56. Prepare & Submit Buyer’s Offer to Listing Agent
  57. Negotiate Buyers Offer With Listing Agent
  58. Execute A Sales Contract & Disclosures
  59. Once Under Contract, Send to Title Company
  60. Coordinate Earnest Money Drop Off
  61. Deliver Copies to Mortgage Lender
  62. Obtain Copy of Sellers Disclosure for Buyers
  63. Deliver Copies of Contract/Addendum to Buyers
  64. Obtain A Copy of HOA Bylaws
  65. Keep Track of Copies for Office File
  66. Coordinate Inspections with Buyers
  67. Meet Inspector At The Property
  68. Review Home Inspection with Buyers
  69. Negotiate Inspection Objections
  70. Get All Agreed Upon Repair Items in Writing
  71. Verify any Existing Lease Agreements
  72. Check In With Lender To Verify Loan Status
  73. Check on the Appraisal Date
  74. Negotiate Any Unsatisfactory Appraisals
  75. Coordinate Closing Times & Location
  76. Make Sure All Documents Are Fully Signed
  77. Verify Title Company Has Everything Needed
  78. Remind Buyers to Schedule Utilities
  79. Make Sure All Parties Are Notified of Closing Time
  80. Solve Any Title Problems Before Closing
  81. Receive and Review Closing Documents
  82. Review Closing Figures With Buyers
  83. Confirm Repairs Have Been Made By Sellers
  84. Perform Final Walk-Through with Buyers
  85. Resolve Any Last Minute Issues
  86. Get CDA Signed By Brokerage
  87. Attend Closing with Buyers
  88. Provide Home Warranty Paperwork
  89. Give Keys and Accessories to Buyers
  90. Close Out Buyer’s File Brokerage


Your home buying journey is a significant chapter in your life. Realtors play a pivotal role in turning your dreams into reality, armed with expertise, dedication, and a deep understanding of the industry. Recognizing their efforts and building a collaborative relationship can transform your home buying experience into a rewarding adventure.

As you step forward in your home buying journey, consider the vital role your realtor plays. Embrace the partnership, value their expertise, and together, navigate the path to your new home with confidence and mutual respect.

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